Local And Community
This page belongs to the communities surrounding Sharavogue Bog. Whether you are a local heritage group, a men’s shed, drama group, arts group, school or a sporting organisation, this section of the Living Bog site is for you.
If you have any interesting stories, photos, information or anything concerning Sharavogue and its environs, please email peatlandsmanagement@npws.gov.ie
This is an area of Ireland and the midlands where even the smallest local story or photograph could make a big impact nationally and globally.
Stories of days on the bog, or days on land surrounding the bog are part of our collective Irish history, but much of what we know we take for granted, and what may be ordinary to you or I might be EXTRAORDINARY to someone else. Even the most ordinary tale of transporting turf will have resonance for others, so let us know. Of if you know anyone with a story to tell, let us know

Whilst this project is about restoring a number of raised bogs, we want to celebrate everything to do with bogs, past present and future, so if you have stories and memories of days on the bog, please let us know and we’ll share them to the one man and his dog who will turn up to listen to them.